Rear Window Summarizer

Sound Effects in this scene include:
  • An alarm clock
  • Traffic (mostly cars and then later a truck)
  • Background score
  • People chattering
  • Construction work
  • Pigeons
  • Kids playing

Post-War Period of Films:
The post-war period of films lasted from 1946 to 1959. This period actually began with a decline in film viewers as many were more interested in settling down and starting a family by either going back to college or finding a job, which meant that many had lost their interest in watching films. 

Because television was also introduced during those years Hollywood had to make films that distinguished cinema from TV, which included-- stereophonic sound, large screen size, and color images produced with the help of widescreen technology and better color film stock. 

The aftermath of the war also led to many filmmakers and audiences being interested in much darker and morally ambiguous subjects. Because of the socially critical films that were begin produced many actors, directors, and screenwriters had to be blacklisted because the HUAC (House Unamerican Activities Committee) believed that they had ties with communists. 


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