Critique Reflection
I feel like my group planned out the shots really well as we had enough time to sit down and discuss every single shot we wanted in detail during the storyboarding process itself. According to my classmates, they seemed to have liked the complexity of the shots, especially the birds-eye shot. They also really like Alex’s killer costume (we liked that too) and also the contrast in the lighting from the beginning to end. I feel like we could improve on the quality of the shots, learn how to get a much clearer shot in the dark, so that we don’t have a grainy shot whenever the lighting is low. According to my classmates, maybe the acting could have been a bit more natural and the characters continuity should have stayed. I think our strengths are that we work together well as a team and are able to thoroughly plan out what we want to do and what we can expect. But I think is out weakness is that different people had different opinions about how a shot should p...